Our social commitment extends to the future
Our company has a particular commitment to children in need.
Actively ensuring equal opportunities for the children in our region is something we take to heart.
In conjunction with the
›KARLSSON E.V. - association for equal opportunities for children!‹
we join in helping to achieve precisely this aim.
Karlsson, the association for better equal opportunities for children, was founded in Herford in April 2005 with the purpose of helping and supporting children from less well-off families around Bielefeld and Herford. Thanks to the main sponsor BONITAS, no administrative costs whatsoever arise and therefore every Euro is genuinely directly available to the children.
Firstly, the association wishes to give pleasure to children who are marginalised in society and thereby rekindle their sense of being someone special too. Secondly, it would like to be a "good friend" to the children and their families who they trust and in whom they can find help and advice.
With its engagement, the association enters into relationships which the association and we too look forward to. Bringing children at the margins of society back into the "middle" is not an act of compassion, but instead a matter close to the heart and an investment in our own future.
We wish the employees, helpers and volunteers every success. The management and employees of singleplast