Thermo moulded

Examples of products


Technical plastic components for medical engineering






Technical plastic components for the construction machinery industry



High quality claddings with integrated ventilation technology find their applications in the field of construction machinery technology.



Technical plastic components



Claddings and decorative panels in high quality design convince through their attractive appearance.


Housings and claddings enhance appearance and protect the technology inside.


Transport and packaging technology



Workpiece carries offer safe and steady locking.








The products are just as varied as the requirements. Our products are used in the car/commercial vehicle industry, electronics industry, furniture manufacture, medical engineering and domestic and air conditioning technology in addition to other areas.

Injection moulding

We produce injection moulded components based on your drawings or also using the tools that you provide. High quality technical plastics such as PC, POM and PA are moulded in addition to the conventional standard thermoplastics, such as PS, ABS, PP and PE.

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